The important of hiring a dedicated WordPress Developer


Did you know that 34% of websites use WordPress? WordPress is the fastest growing Content Management System (CMS). There are over 500 new websites built using WordPress daily! The advantages of using WordPress are many. This software is cost-effective. It has some amazing features that can make your website easy to use and competitive. WordPress […]

5 Signs Your Business Needs Rebranding

Branding, Inspiration

Rebranding is an essential and oftentimes difficult decision to make as a business. So, how do you know it’s time to rebrand your business? What is Rebranding? Rebranding is a marketing strategy that has to do with changing the corporate image of an organization. A business cannot be run the same way forever, like the […]

4 Reasons Why You Need Social Media Advertisement

Digital Marketing

Social media are interactive websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. With over 3 billion people around the globe using social media every month, social media should be an essential part of your business marketing strategy. Social media also gives your business or personal brand […]


Digital Marketing

Marketing strategy is key for any company, team, or individual looking to sell their product, image, or service to the world, but with the dawn of a new decade, it’s time to reassess what marketing means. MARKETING IN THE DIGITAL AGE The Digital Revolution has been underway since the 1950s – far longer than most […]

#3 Reasons Why You Should Learn Programming

General Topics, Inspiration, Web Development

Steve Jobs once said, “Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer… because it teaches you how to think.” Forget the country, follow the rest. Computer programming is an enormously flexible tool that you can use to do amazing things that are otherwise either manual and laborsome or are just impossible. If […]

How to Promote Your Business With Social Media

Digital Marketing, General Topics, Start Up

If you are still thinking of why you need to promote your business with social media, here is a statistic that will help you make an informed decision. According to Smart Insights, There are 7.5 billion people in the world of which 3.1 billion people are active social media users. Need we say more? Whether […]

How Can Digital Marketing Work for Your Business?

Digital Marketing

There is no question that we live in the digital world and from this perspective; it is significant that your business has a magnificent presence in the digital space. Internet marketing or digital marketing is the marketing future across the world with full of advantages as compared to traditional marketing. Here are a few reasons […]